Monday, September 10, 2012

Please Stand By ...

I have not posted a blog recently- it's been 3 months, in fact. I've written several blog posts over those months, but have not posted any of them.

Things in my world have been a little bit upside down of late, and while I've been struggling with following my own mandate to find the joy and love in everything, I haven't felt qualified to post.

A rather silly perspective, I suppose, as sharing the struggles is as important (if not more important!) as sharing the triumphs, but I was concerned they would come across as hollow, or fake. I want to be fully present in the moment when I write and post here ...

I am working at getting myself back on-track with my writing, and will explain some of what's been happening in my world as I go along.

Some of what I've been dealing with includes joyful things as well, to be fair:

(I enjoyed being a bit of a slacker while I spent more time with my kids during their summer break!)

And some things have been very, very hard:

During the month of August, we said good-bye to four family members, the first (and hardest) of which was my big brother.

Just typing that last sentence was very painful; it's as if putting the words down forces me to accept their truth.

As I said, Please, Stand By ...

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