Friday, March 9, 2012

Self-care? On a Friday?

Yes, self-care. On a Friday.

Because, let's be honest, we should be looking after ourselves *every* day. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't help take care of others, whether that be children, spouses or partners, parents, friends, patients or total strangers.

At the beginning of this year, I promised myself I would work on finding ways to take care of myself. I took a big step towards that goal, too.

Unfortunately, life happens, and my first big commitment to myself had to be shelved in the past few weeks.

So I have opted to change my plan, since reducing the stressload is not optional.

Now, instead of taking one day a week, I try to spend at least 20 minutes of each day taking time for myself. This week has involved coffee dates and lunches with friends, but it can be as simple as browsing through "that little shop" that has piqued your curiosity for the past few months ...

It feels good.

Today, I am to go to lunch with three incredible women who have been a great source of support to me over the past 14 years. We lost touch, so to speak, for a few years, but our paths have crossed again, and now we make an effort to get together at least once every few months. It's nice to reconnect and share our collective parenting woes and triumphs.

No, scratch that, it's fantastic to reconnect and share.

Do you have a friend with whom you have not spoken in a while? What is holding you back from giving them a call or sending them an E-mail?

Spending time with good friends can be the best self-care of all.

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